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30 November 2010

I'm a woman not a girl

I'm a woman not a girl,because I know what it means to rise above an empty purse. I know what it means to have nothing to wear but to never go naked. I know what it means to be rejected but being a woman means you never stop loving because of it. Being a woman is not a difficult thing to become. But a good woman is what I am.
I am a woman like my grandmother was, one who walked, talked and loved God with all that she was. I am not just any woman but a God fearing woman.

I respect men and the role they play in society as a whole, as well as in my life as individuals. I respect their various positions in my life and am grateful for them. I may not always agree with them but I have mad love for them. I am a woman who loves children and knows the power the little munchkins posses once you teach them who God is. I know how to love because Christ has loved me. I know how to forgive because God has forgiven me. I know how to listen because father God always hears me. He raised me well. I'm a woman.

I'm not a perfect woman. Oh no,don't get me wrong. I have faults just like you. I am very loud and sing even louder, I don't like to be woken up and can't sleep with the lights on. I never use a pillow to sleep but always want one with me and I take years to get dressed. I'm very fussy about what I wear and when I like a song...TRUST, I will play it 60 times and it irritates the socks off those around me. I can get impatient when pushed and don't like keeping still.
When I cook I do so well, when plates aren't empty, I really take offence. I really do :(.Crus.

However, my weakness don't hinder me from being a great and influential woman. I believe I will make a great and caring mother,I won't spare the rod though. I'll make a loving wife and a powerful woman of God. My weaknesses don't define me, but my strengths do shape me.

I could choose to live a life in fear. Fear of walking alone after 18:00 a fear of living outside the box, fear of giving my heart away. A fear of spiders and cockroaches. But because God is my Daddy...I fear nothing.

I'm a woman not a girl.

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