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18 November 2010

To my brothers.

To my brothers, with love.

If for some or other reason I never get to tell you this or you don't take me seriously
while I say it.
I want you to read it. You can't argue with what is written.

I love the both of you whole heartedly and I am proud of the men you are becoming.
The love I receive from the both of you makes me so proud to be your sister.
When I look at the both of you I see that the memory of my mother and all she taught you lives on.
There will come times in your life when you have to choose between two.
My advice is not to choose ask God to do it for you. He doesn't make mistakes,
The both of you live in my prayers always.
There is a permanent spot for you both in my heart.
I may not see you often enough but I remember your smiles as though you were right next to me.
I can hear the sound of your laughter and teasing on days that I miss you.
I can recall past fights over a piece of meat that I stole from your plate. I am sorry.
I have stopped eating meat so there should be peace in that area of our lives.
I miss you both so much. Listen to the words that come from my mouth, I have been through things you shouldn't have to.

Look up into the heavens, that is were you help comes from. You won't find it on earth or in one of your "cats" or "dogs" or whatever it is that you call your friends these days, you won?t find it in a girl. It?s definitely not there. Do not look down to find it, but keep your eyes on God and he will guide you and keep you from falling. He will move your feet in front of each other you won?t trip or fall. Let him do that.
Carry with you, only your bible anything else will only weigh you down.
Leave pain and sorrow behind, leave sadness and mourning, misery, bitterness and all that luggage behind.
The journey you will embark on is long. It is not easy but it is possible. Carrying pain will only make it harder. The bible isn?t heavy. But its contents are rich. Open it. It will guide you when you are lost, it will lift you up when you stumble and it will fill you up when you are hungry.

Keep God in your heart and you won't be so gullible and easily swayed with the tide of the world.
The tide can kill you if your roots aren't strong enough to keep you standing.
Be rooted in God.
He is forever, nothing else is.
Girls will leave you, money never lasts, parties end when the music stops.
Clubs eventually close, taverns don't open 24/7. God is forever there.
Rely on something and someone that will never leave you. Never hurt or betray you.
Rely on God. Let him be your father. You be his son and I will always be your big sister.

Love Pops

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