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27 February 2013

What if I'm not ready?

When I first realised that I was no longer a child and now a woman it came as a shock to me in that... I wasn't ready to have breasts and hips. I wasn't ready to start my period. Not prepared to start shaving my armpits and legs. Do my own washing and ironing. Choose my own hairstyle and clothes. Wasn't ready to own heels and formal jackets. Pay my rent and buy food to eat. Not ready to have my own opinion and have to decide on important stuff. I wasn't ready to have a man straight up tell me he loves me and tell me he sees a wife in me. To have a man who goes as far as saying he wants to talk cows and stuff... Lol...what?? Nah man, I wasn't prepared to have a 13 year old child call me a role model, I wasn't ready for all that jazz. I wasn't ready to provide for a family and pay for transport to get to work. I didn't get a chance to prepare myself for the attention men would give me. Or know about the hurtful remarks other women would make about me. I wanted to remain a child so that I could... Play with my friends without worrying about what time it was. I wanted to get my feet dirty and play in the mud because I was young and carefree. I wanted to draw pictures of trees and houses all day. Today I may have a job, wear a bra, have a home, buy food and may attend meetings in boardrooms but beneath all my womanhood ticks the heart of a child giggling when people fall or trip, I crack up when people bump into glass doors and love watching animated movies. And love seeing people who don't know lyrics sing along to songs at the top of their voices. I'm not trying to remain a child, not trying to force myself into womanhood because at this point in time I am in the middle of a transition and enjoy every single second of it.

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