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10 September 2013

I'm thankful

"I think you're amazing. I want to walk down the isle with you, I want to grow old with you and have children with you. I want you to be my wife and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I've always felt deserving of love. Always. As much as I didn't have too many examples of happy marriages while growing up, I knew that I had the potential to be the first in the family to have that. I was willing to wait for it. I truly believed that I was deserving to be swept off my feet every time my phone would ring. I believed that each time I got an SMS or email from him, I should blush like a white girl. I knew that I wanted a brother who was willing to step out the walls of comfort in order to pursue me. I'm tired of these lazy dudes who think good women fall off trees. You work hard for us. I wanted someone who knew that from the start. I wanted someone willing to put his pride aside in order to get my attention. I wanted that. He shouldn't take my love for him for granted, I'm not that type of woman. So he needs to know that from the get go. If he doesn't see it in me then it's healthy that we avoid wasting each others time and go separate ways. I'm crazy about love. I take it from my father, Mr God Almighty. Since I was a kid, I've always built castles on what a real man is. He could carry me while running and driving a motor bike at the same time. Must have lots of tattoo's and be able to eat an apple with a knife. I have always known how I wanted to be treated by a man. I listed ten things I wanted God to bless me with in my husband. So far I've discovered 9 of the ten things I asked for. I'm thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Ncooooo ngathi the boy in the last pic looks familiar. Totally love your blog
